We feel happy for all those women who are about to have babies, and those who already have babies. This remind me of the episode of Sex and The City when Carrie's shoes were ruined in a birthday party. If women have to buy big birthday presents for their friend's children, then it is only fair that they should pay money to repair or replace her shoes when her friend's expensive shoes were ruined.
It is your choice to get pregnant, and we are happy for you, but it is also very difficult to look at those photos or ultrasound pictures when you can't get pregnant. The reason may be infertility, and if you are a sensitive friend, you won't put the photos in front of a friend who is unable to conceive, right? Wrong. A lot of women just do it, they don't care about what their friends think or feel. Do you know that you are hurting someone's feeling? No.
We want to congratulate all the mother-to-be and all the mothers in the world. I am not a "mother" bashing blogger, but I think a line has to be drawn when the ultrasound pictures and photos are everywhere and you can't get away from them! It's so much pressure! It's so sad for people who can't afford to have babies! When the time comes, I don't think I will post those photos online. It's going to hurt my single friends who aren't even married. It's going to hurt my friends who can't have children for any reason. Yes, I am happy when I am pregnant, but I am not going to make my friends unhappy. Will I post photos of my kids online? Yes, but not the naked ones. I will definitely look at those photos and think for a few minutes whether my kids will regret about the photos that I posted online because they will use internet in the future. Do they want their baby photos floating around somewhere in the cyberspace? If they do, or they won't mind, then I will put them on, otherwise I will not put them on.
I felt so upset about the ultrasound pictures and photos before. I don't know if anyone else feel the same, but if you do, leave a comment.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
My name is Olive
My name is Olive and I am a florist. People love roses. It is Valentine's Day today, the busiest day of the year for us.
It is eight o'clock in the morning and we are already very busy. The first customer is picking up his order of one orchid. I know him very well, he gives his wife plants every year on Valentine's Day. She loves gardening, and if she's any good, the plants will thrive in her garden for many years to come. This is a love that will never die. The second customer is a young man. I am not sure what he wants to do, but he doesn't know what kind of flower he's going to get for his girlfriend, so I asked him what's she is like.
"What is your girlfriend like? Maybe I can find something for her here."
"She works for a law firm, very busy. I think she likes puppies, but then who doesn't like puppies? This is our first Valentine's so I am at a lost here."
"You can go with a safe option. I think twelve roses bouquet will do very well. What do you think?"
"You are an angel. Saved my life. I will pay for it now, thanks."
He looks totally relieved. I can't believe that this guy has gone out with his girlfriend for a year. He doesn't know his girlfriend at all. He doesn't know what his girlfriend's favourite flower is? Do they ever talk to each other? I hope he will be with this girlfriend after today.
Five minutes later, the guy comes back to the counter. He's forgotten the card.
"I need a card, too. I'd like to buy this one."
He picked a hideous red card, with a huge bunch of red roses on top and very bold golden letter: Happy Valentine's Day! on top. I gave him a dubious look and smiled nervously. He gets the cue.
"Do you think this is too much?"
"Which one should I get?"
"I think you should go for the dog card. You said she likes puppies?"
"Yes. That's a great idea."
"Good luck, and have fun with her."
"I will. I am taking her out to dinner tonight. It's a surprise."
Surprise is never good. I hope he is taking her to a nice restaurant. I hope he knows what he's doing. I also hope that the girl is not expecting him to propose because I know he's not in a jewelery shop. He's not exactly original with his choice of flower, and I don't think he has any original idea in his head.
It is eight o'clock in the morning and we are already very busy. The first customer is picking up his order of one orchid. I know him very well, he gives his wife plants every year on Valentine's Day. She loves gardening, and if she's any good, the plants will thrive in her garden for many years to come. This is a love that will never die. The second customer is a young man. I am not sure what he wants to do, but he doesn't know what kind of flower he's going to get for his girlfriend, so I asked him what's she is like.
"What is your girlfriend like? Maybe I can find something for her here."
"She works for a law firm, very busy. I think she likes puppies, but then who doesn't like puppies? This is our first Valentine's so I am at a lost here."
"You can go with a safe option. I think twelve roses bouquet will do very well. What do you think?"
"You are an angel. Saved my life. I will pay for it now, thanks."
He looks totally relieved. I can't believe that this guy has gone out with his girlfriend for a year. He doesn't know his girlfriend at all. He doesn't know what his girlfriend's favourite flower is? Do they ever talk to each other? I hope he will be with this girlfriend after today.
Five minutes later, the guy comes back to the counter. He's forgotten the card.
"I need a card, too. I'd like to buy this one."
He picked a hideous red card, with a huge bunch of red roses on top and very bold golden letter: Happy Valentine's Day! on top. I gave him a dubious look and smiled nervously. He gets the cue.
"Do you think this is too much?"
"Which one should I get?"
"I think you should go for the dog card. You said she likes puppies?"
"Yes. That's a great idea."
"Good luck, and have fun with her."
"I will. I am taking her out to dinner tonight. It's a surprise."
Surprise is never good. I hope he is taking her to a nice restaurant. I hope he knows what he's doing. I also hope that the girl is not expecting him to propose because I know he's not in a jewelery shop. He's not exactly original with his choice of flower, and I don't think he has any original idea in his head.
Heaven headquarters
Once upon a time there was an angel who sings in the heaven. She has golden hair that smells like jasmine, her eyes are blue, and her voice is truly divine. Apollo is in love with her and pursue her with his harp. They sing together in heaven, enjoying the live on immortal.
One day, the angel wakes up to find Apollo gone. He is chasing a girl through the forest because he fell in love with her. With tremendous speed, Apollo caught up with her and the only thing she could do was turn into an olive tree. She is rooted to the ground forever. Her silver hair turned into the leaves, and her slender limbs turned into the tree trunks. Her heart is forever bound to Earth.
The angel's heart is broken. She went out of their sanctuary and jumped from the sky. Apollo cannot find her among the immortal. She has abandoned her immortal life and become a mortal.
Apollo is still trying to find his angel, the one who sing with a divine voice from Heaven. This is why Apollo left Heaven and come to Earth. He is trying to find angel and apologies to her about his infidelity, and beg her to return to Heaven with him. He still loves her, and he doesn't want to lose her.
This is the story of Olive, the girl who became the Olive tree, and the story of Apollo, the man who loved two girls. The angel is still missing, but you can hear her voice on the radio. You can hear her when you are singing. You can hear her, but you can't find her. This is the story about the girl who is running away from Heaven, a renegade angel whose voice is like the lark. She doesn't dare to open her mouth when she's on Earth, otherwise Apollo will surely find her.
Up until now, he is still trying to find her. Or maybe, he's trying to find Olive.
One day, the angel wakes up to find Apollo gone. He is chasing a girl through the forest because he fell in love with her. With tremendous speed, Apollo caught up with her and the only thing she could do was turn into an olive tree. She is rooted to the ground forever. Her silver hair turned into the leaves, and her slender limbs turned into the tree trunks. Her heart is forever bound to Earth.
The angel's heart is broken. She went out of their sanctuary and jumped from the sky. Apollo cannot find her among the immortal. She has abandoned her immortal life and become a mortal.
Apollo is still trying to find his angel, the one who sing with a divine voice from Heaven. This is why Apollo left Heaven and come to Earth. He is trying to find angel and apologies to her about his infidelity, and beg her to return to Heaven with him. He still loves her, and he doesn't want to lose her.
This is the story of Olive, the girl who became the Olive tree, and the story of Apollo, the man who loved two girls. The angel is still missing, but you can hear her voice on the radio. You can hear her when you are singing. You can hear her, but you can't find her. This is the story about the girl who is running away from Heaven, a renegade angel whose voice is like the lark. She doesn't dare to open her mouth when she's on Earth, otherwise Apollo will surely find her.
Up until now, he is still trying to find her. Or maybe, he's trying to find Olive.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Chapter 2 Opposition continues
Most of our old problems are gone when the people left Earth. Global warming? There's no factories running now, no cars in the streets, there's virtually no human factor in the equation. Deforestation? There's no one here to cut the trees down. Wars? There's no people to fight with or fight against. Another set of problems set in, though. The commodities are scarce simply because there's no one here to make them. If you cannot make something that you want to have, you are not going to have them. There's no fancy cars. There's no fancy dresses. Luxury items are the thing of the past, and we are just trying to survive this.
Do kids still go to school? Hell ya. We try to teach them as much as we know here on the farm. They learn to handle guns in classes as well. It's a survival class where you are trained to keep yourself alive. You learn English, mathematics, science, history, and social science, and you also learn cooking, shooting, hunting, and crafting because you can't live without those skills. If you don't know how to do things yourself, you are going to die out there.
One of the good thing is that we know there are other colonies out there. The closest one is outside the neighbouring town, also on a farm. Travis Cornwall owns it, he's got about fifty people living on his farm at the moment. We talk on the radio everyday just to make sure that each other are alive and kicking. It's reassuring to know that someone is out there, waiting for this shit to end as well. However, it is difficult to find other colonies now. It's not that we haven't been trying, it's that it is just silent out there.
A figure appeared on the screen when I wasn't looking, but now the figure is clear as day. It is a woman in a white shift dress, she is not wearing any shoes. I have never seen her around here before. She is probably one of the zombie type. I better see if I can talk to her, or if she is too far gone, just shoot her on the spot.
"Hey, you out there. What's your name?"
Asking someone's name never get very far if they are sick so I try this approach first.
"I am Anna. Can you open the door?"
"I am afraid I cannot do that. We aren't sure if you are infected or not. You must excuse me for doing that. We don't want to die, you know."
"Sure, I was infected. But they cured me. Something really bad happened at the hospital. I know you don't care about that, they are a bunch of sick people, but I think you should know about what's going down."
"Yes. Just tell me over the intercom. I will let you in if I am sure you are safe."
"They are sending people from the moon to take the vaccine from me, but the virus got to the rest of the hospital staff so now the place is lock down. The people from the moon have decided to bomb that place, I just got out in time."
"So how are you sure that you are cured?"
"I've had the virus for almost a year now. Do I look sick? Do I sound sick?"
"Tell you what. Why don't you send out a syringe and you can look at my blood? Do you have a nurse in there? Or a doctor? She or he will tell you that I am safe."
"Yes, but I don't trust you."
"Well, I can tell you that they are coming for you guys next."
"Yes, that's right. The last communication went like this, the people from the moon are coming to destroy your colony because they think you brought the plague to the quarantined people in the hospital. They don't care about whether you live or die. They just want to eliminate the troublemakers. Whether you did or did not bring the plague to the people in there is completely irrelevant to them. They want to repopulate Earth. Your little holiday is over."
"How do I know you are not just lying through your teeth just to get in?"
"I don't need to get in. I am immune to the plague now. I just need a place to stay. I also recommend you all leave this farm before they send the troops."
"I can't leave this place. This is my place."
"It's up to you. This place may be bombed first, then they are going to send in the ground troops. It's not going to be pretty."
"Those bastards. They left us then they want to kill us? What are we to them? Cattle?"
"Probably worse than that. They think you guys are sick. They are going to say that you killed all the people in the hospital and you are a terrorist."
"That's rich coming from them."
"I think I know a place where you can go."
"Where? This place is probably still safe for now, right?"
"You have to get out of there."
"What do you recommend? Miss, you look young, what do you know?"
"If you have some vehicle on the farm, load all the people into them. You have to come with me and go to the Star City."
"Why? What's there?"
"There's no one living there, there's only sick people, and that makes that place safe because they aren't going to send their soldiers that way to find you. It's too dangerous, and it's too far away from the hospital. If you have some friends, bring them. You really don't want to be in the firing line now that they found a cure for this thing. You've sat it out for long, don't you want to live to see another day?"
"I need to talk to the people in here. They have to make the decision to go or stay by themselves. I am the leader here, but I am not a cruel leader."
"Better talk to them quick because I don't think they are going to let you live for that long."
Faith, Angus and Chance are all in the lounge. I asked them to ask the others to come and start a meeting. I told them that Anna is at the door and everything she told me. Something big is happening out there, and if we are leaving this place, it is going to take some time to pack and get ready.
"Do you think she's lying? What do they care about us?"
"I don't think she is. Why should she say that they are going to come and kill us all? It's got nothing to do with her. She can run away before telling us and watch from a safe distance."
"You are right, Peter. What should I do now? Pack?"
"Yes. Bring everything that's useful and dump the stuff here if we aren't going to need it. If we are going to Star City, we need all the fire power we've got."
"And then some balls. This is not going to be easy. There's going to be kids coming, too."
"Don't worry about the kids, they are all trained up. It's an opportunity for them to be in the real world."
"Are you crazy? They are going to be really freaked out. They've never killed a sickie before."
"They will have to do it someday, why not today?"
We decided to let Anna in. According to her, we have two hours to get everything and leave this farm. There's no negotiation with them. It's interesting to hear what people have to say to that, and plenty of them want to stay put.
"Sander, you want to stay, and John wants to stay, too. I think I want to leave. So what's going to happen is this: the people who wants to leave will get ready within the hour, and the faster you can pack your stuff, the better. We don't know when they are going to attack, and we don't know how heavy the fire is. Sander and John can go into the underground bunker and hide this out, but I am not sure whether they will send in ground troops. They may assume that everyone is sick here and not check up on you. Sander, there's an exit to the bunker on the other side of the farm, and I will give you the key to that. There's a vehicle there. I recommend you to abandon the bunker when they start poking around here. It's hard to say what they will do if they see you. They may assume you are sick and shoot to kill, they may embrace you like a brother, but no one is certain. If you think you are in danger, get the fuck out."
"So I guess I will be in the Television Room, then?"
"Sure. You should always keep a person there just in case. You don't want to miss any action or you will die."
"Are you going to take a radio with you?"
"Sure. And I do want to come back to my farm after this is over. This is my farm, and I don't want to give it up."
"No one is saying you should. I will see you when I see you, then."
We took a look at Anna's blood. It is showing signs of the bug, but she is not dying. The number of the bug is decreasing. She's still quite weak, and I don't know how she survive out there.
"I thought you would have no power to escape from that place."
"I was pretty lucky. There's a window in my room. I jumped out and ran. There were so many of them."
"What do you want to do? You know you may not survive if you come with us."
"Oh, I am not going to sit here and wait to be killed. I've lied on that bed for so long that I don't think it's time for me to stay still any more. I want out. I want to do something once in my life and survive."
There is not much to pack for me. I've known that this day will come, but I didn't know it is this soon. I remember riding my bike up and down the farm, helping my father doing farm work. One day, the people came to our farm and demand us to leave with them.
I remember father saying that he'd rather die than leave the farm. He certainly did die in the end when the plague hit us, but not before then. Mother was there as well, and they kept the farm going. There were enough food for all of us, money ceased to mean much, but we survived. We are still surviving now, but it is going to be a hell lot harder to survive on the road.
I look at Anna and think about my mother. I think there is a lot to do, and no one else is going to do them except me.
Do kids still go to school? Hell ya. We try to teach them as much as we know here on the farm. They learn to handle guns in classes as well. It's a survival class where you are trained to keep yourself alive. You learn English, mathematics, science, history, and social science, and you also learn cooking, shooting, hunting, and crafting because you can't live without those skills. If you don't know how to do things yourself, you are going to die out there.
One of the good thing is that we know there are other colonies out there. The closest one is outside the neighbouring town, also on a farm. Travis Cornwall owns it, he's got about fifty people living on his farm at the moment. We talk on the radio everyday just to make sure that each other are alive and kicking. It's reassuring to know that someone is out there, waiting for this shit to end as well. However, it is difficult to find other colonies now. It's not that we haven't been trying, it's that it is just silent out there.
A figure appeared on the screen when I wasn't looking, but now the figure is clear as day. It is a woman in a white shift dress, she is not wearing any shoes. I have never seen her around here before. She is probably one of the zombie type. I better see if I can talk to her, or if she is too far gone, just shoot her on the spot.
"Hey, you out there. What's your name?"
Asking someone's name never get very far if they are sick so I try this approach first.
"I am Anna. Can you open the door?"
"I am afraid I cannot do that. We aren't sure if you are infected or not. You must excuse me for doing that. We don't want to die, you know."
"Sure, I was infected. But they cured me. Something really bad happened at the hospital. I know you don't care about that, they are a bunch of sick people, but I think you should know about what's going down."
"Yes. Just tell me over the intercom. I will let you in if I am sure you are safe."
"They are sending people from the moon to take the vaccine from me, but the virus got to the rest of the hospital staff so now the place is lock down. The people from the moon have decided to bomb that place, I just got out in time."
"So how are you sure that you are cured?"
"I've had the virus for almost a year now. Do I look sick? Do I sound sick?"
"Tell you what. Why don't you send out a syringe and you can look at my blood? Do you have a nurse in there? Or a doctor? She or he will tell you that I am safe."
"Yes, but I don't trust you."
"Well, I can tell you that they are coming for you guys next."
"Yes, that's right. The last communication went like this, the people from the moon are coming to destroy your colony because they think you brought the plague to the quarantined people in the hospital. They don't care about whether you live or die. They just want to eliminate the troublemakers. Whether you did or did not bring the plague to the people in there is completely irrelevant to them. They want to repopulate Earth. Your little holiday is over."
"How do I know you are not just lying through your teeth just to get in?"
"I don't need to get in. I am immune to the plague now. I just need a place to stay. I also recommend you all leave this farm before they send the troops."
"I can't leave this place. This is my place."
"It's up to you. This place may be bombed first, then they are going to send in the ground troops. It's not going to be pretty."
"Those bastards. They left us then they want to kill us? What are we to them? Cattle?"
"Probably worse than that. They think you guys are sick. They are going to say that you killed all the people in the hospital and you are a terrorist."
"That's rich coming from them."
"I think I know a place where you can go."
"Where? This place is probably still safe for now, right?"
"You have to get out of there."
"What do you recommend? Miss, you look young, what do you know?"
"If you have some vehicle on the farm, load all the people into them. You have to come with me and go to the Star City."
"Why? What's there?"
"There's no one living there, there's only sick people, and that makes that place safe because they aren't going to send their soldiers that way to find you. It's too dangerous, and it's too far away from the hospital. If you have some friends, bring them. You really don't want to be in the firing line now that they found a cure for this thing. You've sat it out for long, don't you want to live to see another day?"
"I need to talk to the people in here. They have to make the decision to go or stay by themselves. I am the leader here, but I am not a cruel leader."
"Better talk to them quick because I don't think they are going to let you live for that long."
Faith, Angus and Chance are all in the lounge. I asked them to ask the others to come and start a meeting. I told them that Anna is at the door and everything she told me. Something big is happening out there, and if we are leaving this place, it is going to take some time to pack and get ready.
"Do you think she's lying? What do they care about us?"
"I don't think she is. Why should she say that they are going to come and kill us all? It's got nothing to do with her. She can run away before telling us and watch from a safe distance."
"You are right, Peter. What should I do now? Pack?"
"Yes. Bring everything that's useful and dump the stuff here if we aren't going to need it. If we are going to Star City, we need all the fire power we've got."
"And then some balls. This is not going to be easy. There's going to be kids coming, too."
"Don't worry about the kids, they are all trained up. It's an opportunity for them to be in the real world."
"Are you crazy? They are going to be really freaked out. They've never killed a sickie before."
"They will have to do it someday, why not today?"
We decided to let Anna in. According to her, we have two hours to get everything and leave this farm. There's no negotiation with them. It's interesting to hear what people have to say to that, and plenty of them want to stay put.
"Sander, you want to stay, and John wants to stay, too. I think I want to leave. So what's going to happen is this: the people who wants to leave will get ready within the hour, and the faster you can pack your stuff, the better. We don't know when they are going to attack, and we don't know how heavy the fire is. Sander and John can go into the underground bunker and hide this out, but I am not sure whether they will send in ground troops. They may assume that everyone is sick here and not check up on you. Sander, there's an exit to the bunker on the other side of the farm, and I will give you the key to that. There's a vehicle there. I recommend you to abandon the bunker when they start poking around here. It's hard to say what they will do if they see you. They may assume you are sick and shoot to kill, they may embrace you like a brother, but no one is certain. If you think you are in danger, get the fuck out."
"So I guess I will be in the Television Room, then?"
"Sure. You should always keep a person there just in case. You don't want to miss any action or you will die."
"Are you going to take a radio with you?"
"Sure. And I do want to come back to my farm after this is over. This is my farm, and I don't want to give it up."
"No one is saying you should. I will see you when I see you, then."
We took a look at Anna's blood. It is showing signs of the bug, but she is not dying. The number of the bug is decreasing. She's still quite weak, and I don't know how she survive out there.
"I thought you would have no power to escape from that place."
"I was pretty lucky. There's a window in my room. I jumped out and ran. There were so many of them."
"What do you want to do? You know you may not survive if you come with us."
"Oh, I am not going to sit here and wait to be killed. I've lied on that bed for so long that I don't think it's time for me to stay still any more. I want out. I want to do something once in my life and survive."
There is not much to pack for me. I've known that this day will come, but I didn't know it is this soon. I remember riding my bike up and down the farm, helping my father doing farm work. One day, the people came to our farm and demand us to leave with them.
I remember father saying that he'd rather die than leave the farm. He certainly did die in the end when the plague hit us, but not before then. Mother was there as well, and they kept the farm going. There were enough food for all of us, money ceased to mean much, but we survived. We are still surviving now, but it is going to be a hell lot harder to survive on the road.
I look at Anna and think about my mother. I think there is a lot to do, and no one else is going to do them except me.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Chapter 2 Opposition
Opposition, 3005
Rule number one, never open the door to strangers. We live in a dangerous world. You cannot trust anyone. If you open the door to strangers, everyone will die. Do you want that on your conscience? Rule number two, kill first, ask later. If in doubt, just pull the trigger, you don't want to get infected. Rule number three, don't trust the scientists and doctors. They don't know anything, even though they think they know everything. Where did the plague come from? It was probably from a lab ran by scientists and doctors, how can you trust them? Rule number four, people from the Moon are traitors, people in the hospitals are zombies, people who are walking around are probably sick and will become zombies, you can shoot them all because they either left you behind to die or they will kill you. Rule number five, you can only trust your map, your car, your gun, your food, your water, they keep you alive, nothing else matters.
My name is Peter Bates and I am the Opposition Leader. Our colony is the closest to Hope Hospital where they keep all the sick people. We are also quite close to the space port where the rich and famous ran away to the beautiful little place called Moon. I was a farmer, my family and my friends came to me after everyone left. Some of them didn't make it into the colony, some of them did. We have our own water supply, our farm produce uncontaminated food, we even have a stash of weapons.
The Bible said that the end of the world will come, and it certainly has come. People are being judged, but I don't know whether they are judged fairly or not. The plague takes everyone, it is blind. It takes children, it takes women, it takes men, it takes evil people, it takes good people, it takes the rich and the poor. Have we seen any angels yet? I haven't, and I certainly look forward to see one.
Chance is my best friend. He is a farmer as well, but he had a chicken farm. His sister Faith came with him. Chance is tall and strong, he's good at shooting. He brought most of the weapon to my farm. Faith is a nurse, she took some medical supplies with her. She has light blond hair. Faith had a baby and she didn't like to talk about it because no one knows who the father is. She lost the baby to the plague. Angus and Blair are twins. They lived in town. Angus worked in the corner store, Blair worked as a mechanic. They brought some food and tools. My parents died a few years back, leaving the farm to me. I was going to get married with my fiance, but we lost touch. I don't know whether she's still alive or not, but I think she understands that I can't go out there to find her. It's too dangerous.
More people have came to the farm and some of them built their own houses or tents in the paddock. We put up a wire fence around the perimeter after the people got violent and started to trash the place. A door went up as well, heavy and thick. People brought their animals, kids, toys, food, supplies, clothes, cars with them. We are trying to sit this one out although no one knows for sure how long this is going to last.
Rule number one, never open the door to strangers. We live in a dangerous world. You cannot trust anyone. If you open the door to strangers, everyone will die. Do you want that on your conscience? Rule number two, kill first, ask later. If in doubt, just pull the trigger, you don't want to get infected. Rule number three, don't trust the scientists and doctors. They don't know anything, even though they think they know everything. Where did the plague come from? It was probably from a lab ran by scientists and doctors, how can you trust them? Rule number four, people from the Moon are traitors, people in the hospitals are zombies, people who are walking around are probably sick and will become zombies, you can shoot them all because they either left you behind to die or they will kill you. Rule number five, you can only trust your map, your car, your gun, your food, your water, they keep you alive, nothing else matters.
My name is Peter Bates and I am the Opposition Leader. Our colony is the closest to Hope Hospital where they keep all the sick people. We are also quite close to the space port where the rich and famous ran away to the beautiful little place called Moon. I was a farmer, my family and my friends came to me after everyone left. Some of them didn't make it into the colony, some of them did. We have our own water supply, our farm produce uncontaminated food, we even have a stash of weapons.
The Bible said that the end of the world will come, and it certainly has come. People are being judged, but I don't know whether they are judged fairly or not. The plague takes everyone, it is blind. It takes children, it takes women, it takes men, it takes evil people, it takes good people, it takes the rich and the poor. Have we seen any angels yet? I haven't, and I certainly look forward to see one.
Chance is my best friend. He is a farmer as well, but he had a chicken farm. His sister Faith came with him. Chance is tall and strong, he's good at shooting. He brought most of the weapon to my farm. Faith is a nurse, she took some medical supplies with her. She has light blond hair. Faith had a baby and she didn't like to talk about it because no one knows who the father is. She lost the baby to the plague. Angus and Blair are twins. They lived in town. Angus worked in the corner store, Blair worked as a mechanic. They brought some food and tools. My parents died a few years back, leaving the farm to me. I was going to get married with my fiance, but we lost touch. I don't know whether she's still alive or not, but I think she understands that I can't go out there to find her. It's too dangerous.
More people have came to the farm and some of them built their own houses or tents in the paddock. We put up a wire fence around the perimeter after the people got violent and started to trash the place. A door went up as well, heavy and thick. People brought their animals, kids, toys, food, supplies, clothes, cars with them. We are trying to sit this one out although no one knows for sure how long this is going to last.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Alice in New Zealand
Chapter 1 Happy birthday to you
It is my sister Alice's birthday today and I am still trying to find a present for her. Should I get her a nice dress? There is the blue one that shows off her beautiful shoulder, and then there's the red one that shows off her legs. Should I get her shoes? There is the red one that she can dance with, or the black one that she can wear to work, then I remember that she doesn't work anymore. She doesn't really need a dress, either. She's lying on the hospital bed, sleeping, dreaming a dream that I cannot be a part of.
Dr. White is very supportive about my visits. She said that Alice can hear everything that goes around her, but I doubt that. If Alice can hear me, I am sure she will give me a slap in the face and tell me to go away. My parents no longer visit Alice. They don't think she will ever wake up.
I've decided to bring her a cake. She loves chocolate cake. I saw one decorated with strawberries and pink cream in the cake shop. A red and black cake in a green box is now sitting in my car, all ready to be eaten. I am sure the nurses and the doctors will be delighted by this cake, and Alice will enjoy the happiness around her.
The construction around the hospital is a pain. It is difficult to find the entrance, and it is hard to find a park. However, I manage to squeeze into a small space between a BMW and a Range Rover. With cake in hand, I wait for the automatic hospital door to open.
The view from Alice's room is spectacular. You can see Lake Rotorua quite clearly, the blue mirror that reflects the afternoon sun. I brought her fresh flowers, too. Golden daisy are the same colour as her hair. Nurse Julia brought a table and a knife for the cake. I light the candles on the cake, a reminder of how old Alice is and how long she's been in a coma. The futility of the situation is evident, but I don't care. This cake is for Alice as much as for me and everybody else around her. It is not pointless to love someone even though they don't respond to you. She's still here somewhere, hanging on by a thread, and no matter how thin the thread is, I am going to hold on to it a bit longer.
"Amy, that is a great looking cake. Have you made a wish yet?"
"It's not for me, it's for Alice."
"Well, why not. How about we both make a wish? It is a birthday cake after all."
"You are right."
We both closed our eyes and made wishes. I wish that Alice will wake up and I wish that it will happen soon. I wish that she's well wherever she is. I wish she's warm and comfortable. I wish she's happy.
I still have a while to wait for her to wake up, but I won't have to wait forever. The smell of the cake has attracted a crowd into the room, including Dr. White, the Head Nurse, Nurse Rachel and Nurse Mary. We cut the cake up and share the tasty treat around the room.
"She's looking better today. What do you think, Rachel? Do you think she looks better?"
"Yes, she does. I think she will wake up soon, any days now."
"It won't surprise me if she wakes up now, to be honest. What do you think, Dr.White?"
"It will be wonderful if she wakes up today. It is her birthday."
"How's your parents, Amy? They are doing well?"
"They are fine, Julia. They are enjoying their retirement and spending time with the grandchildren."
"How's Robin holding up? Have you seen him lately?"
"He's well. He's been quite busy with his collection lately, going to New York and Paris next month."
"That's fantastic. Bring him here next time."
"I will."
Robin is Alice's boyfriend. He's a designer with his own boutique shops in Wellington and Auckland. He's expanding his empire and going overseas to show his collection. He is the only other person who visits Alice regularly. I am amazed by his staying power with Alice. His world makes me distrust him, but as far as I know, he doesn't have another girlfriend. He's the one bringing her nice clothes and new blankets, flowers and fruit, and sometimes a soft toy. He brings music as well, and sometimes reads books to her.
They live in the suburb of Wellington together. It is no surprise that Alice loves gardening, she's a landscape artist. She spends her spare time planting flowers, trees and vegetables in her garden. There's a swing underneath the biggest tree. There are two chairs and a table for afternoon tea as well. A fountain at the back of the garden features a woman's statue covered with moss. Robin's workshop is in the garage. He creates colourful garments from fantastic fabrics. He loves using bright colours, bold cut and draping, with lovely details. He's talented, and Alice loves the fact that Robin is flamboyant and dramatic. I thought Robin is gay the first time I met him, and I would be lying to say that I don't have doubts right now. How can this man be straight and this daring? Only Alice knows.
Chapter 2 Into the dream
The last thing I remember is walking into the club Cave with Robin that night. His friends are celebrating the successful runway show, drinking and dancing the night away. Robin is in his element, drinking Metropolitan followed by vodka shots. I must have a lot to drink as well because I don't remember too much after my seventh drink.
Robin must know what had happened although I am not entirely sure. I was dancing in the strobe light, shaking my arms and head to the music, then it was all black. I must have tripped on someone's foot and fell and hit my head.
It is my sister Alice's birthday today and I am still trying to find a present for her. Should I get her a nice dress? There is the blue one that shows off her beautiful shoulder, and then there's the red one that shows off her legs. Should I get her shoes? There is the red one that she can dance with, or the black one that she can wear to work, then I remember that she doesn't work anymore. She doesn't really need a dress, either. She's lying on the hospital bed, sleeping, dreaming a dream that I cannot be a part of.
Dr. White is very supportive about my visits. She said that Alice can hear everything that goes around her, but I doubt that. If Alice can hear me, I am sure she will give me a slap in the face and tell me to go away. My parents no longer visit Alice. They don't think she will ever wake up.
I've decided to bring her a cake. She loves chocolate cake. I saw one decorated with strawberries and pink cream in the cake shop. A red and black cake in a green box is now sitting in my car, all ready to be eaten. I am sure the nurses and the doctors will be delighted by this cake, and Alice will enjoy the happiness around her.
The construction around the hospital is a pain. It is difficult to find the entrance, and it is hard to find a park. However, I manage to squeeze into a small space between a BMW and a Range Rover. With cake in hand, I wait for the automatic hospital door to open.
The view from Alice's room is spectacular. You can see Lake Rotorua quite clearly, the blue mirror that reflects the afternoon sun. I brought her fresh flowers, too. Golden daisy are the same colour as her hair. Nurse Julia brought a table and a knife for the cake. I light the candles on the cake, a reminder of how old Alice is and how long she's been in a coma. The futility of the situation is evident, but I don't care. This cake is for Alice as much as for me and everybody else around her. It is not pointless to love someone even though they don't respond to you. She's still here somewhere, hanging on by a thread, and no matter how thin the thread is, I am going to hold on to it a bit longer.
"Amy, that is a great looking cake. Have you made a wish yet?"
"It's not for me, it's for Alice."
"Well, why not. How about we both make a wish? It is a birthday cake after all."
"You are right."
We both closed our eyes and made wishes. I wish that Alice will wake up and I wish that it will happen soon. I wish that she's well wherever she is. I wish she's warm and comfortable. I wish she's happy.
I still have a while to wait for her to wake up, but I won't have to wait forever. The smell of the cake has attracted a crowd into the room, including Dr. White, the Head Nurse, Nurse Rachel and Nurse Mary. We cut the cake up and share the tasty treat around the room.
"She's looking better today. What do you think, Rachel? Do you think she looks better?"
"Yes, she does. I think she will wake up soon, any days now."
"It won't surprise me if she wakes up now, to be honest. What do you think, Dr.White?"
"It will be wonderful if she wakes up today. It is her birthday."
"How's your parents, Amy? They are doing well?"
"They are fine, Julia. They are enjoying their retirement and spending time with the grandchildren."
"How's Robin holding up? Have you seen him lately?"
"He's well. He's been quite busy with his collection lately, going to New York and Paris next month."
"That's fantastic. Bring him here next time."
"I will."
Robin is Alice's boyfriend. He's a designer with his own boutique shops in Wellington and Auckland. He's expanding his empire and going overseas to show his collection. He is the only other person who visits Alice regularly. I am amazed by his staying power with Alice. His world makes me distrust him, but as far as I know, he doesn't have another girlfriend. He's the one bringing her nice clothes and new blankets, flowers and fruit, and sometimes a soft toy. He brings music as well, and sometimes reads books to her.
They live in the suburb of Wellington together. It is no surprise that Alice loves gardening, she's a landscape artist. She spends her spare time planting flowers, trees and vegetables in her garden. There's a swing underneath the biggest tree. There are two chairs and a table for afternoon tea as well. A fountain at the back of the garden features a woman's statue covered with moss. Robin's workshop is in the garage. He creates colourful garments from fantastic fabrics. He loves using bright colours, bold cut and draping, with lovely details. He's talented, and Alice loves the fact that Robin is flamboyant and dramatic. I thought Robin is gay the first time I met him, and I would be lying to say that I don't have doubts right now. How can this man be straight and this daring? Only Alice knows.
Chapter 2 Into the dream
The last thing I remember is walking into the club Cave with Robin that night. His friends are celebrating the successful runway show, drinking and dancing the night away. Robin is in his element, drinking Metropolitan followed by vodka shots. I must have a lot to drink as well because I don't remember too much after my seventh drink.
Robin must know what had happened although I am not entirely sure. I was dancing in the strobe light, shaking my arms and head to the music, then it was all black. I must have tripped on someone's foot and fell and hit my head.
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